1 mascara on the bottom lashes
Why? Closes eyes in a "spider" unflattering. Use the shadows to the depth, is softer and younger.
2 The lack of use of shadows
I see women all the time wearing mascara and eyeliner on the eyelid, but the abandonment of the shadows! If you wear makeup to commit, a splash of soft earth tones, the shadows around the lid wonders for the eyes. (It takes 1 minute)
3 Paleface
With all the suntan lotion,Blush, LUMINIZERS because many have died in the search?
4 Straight Eyelashes
An eyelash curler is known as "Lash Bender" is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment for beauty care. We can not see a whip, who has just put people off!
5 Pop, soda, diet soda, lemonade!
Yes, this is your face so that the make-up, very much influenced by the liquid in the body. The water is your best friend. Sugar-containing chemicals simply do not help natural beauty in any case at all.
6 Smoking
Let's seeDeath, leathery skin, dark spots, and a voice like Harvey Fierstein ... need I say more?
7 Imbalance
Severe eye and thick lips? You may just not both. Otherwise, looks like a hooker.
Commitment 8
Arrghhh. This makes me. You are rigged or not? If you are not, you should stay away from the liner and mascara just does not look right with skin unfinished. If you want a step beyond the "bare face" move (you should feel comfortable and makea lot so your skin can breathe and renew) Just bow to dabble with the red cheeks or bronzer, brows, and dab a bit 'of concealer around the nose and the bridge. If you need to hear, then commit to a light wash of foundation, concealer a little 'from all fields, then add a little' food and eyelashes on canvas. Faces look good in steps. You do not paint your house before the foundation is ready!
9 Attack of the face
There are countless women, the attacks have been met on their facesscrub, drugs, hands, trying to improve their skin. When I touch your face, it feels hard and abused. Then, when I meet beautiful women, radiant complexion, and ask them what answer they do: wash "Nothing," you walk with caution face every day, no makeup, if you can, and just leave it be. His face has a delicate ecosystem in itself.
Eyebrows 10
This is the greatest. Many women get, and you can tell. While others do not get this, and you can tell.Look at some photos of celebrities Latin and European women, they understand the significance of natural eyebrows. Models wearing face and enhancers, do the eyebrows too sexy.
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